about me

I was unemployed at Sawahlunto. I'm a little shy and awkward when meeting with another person, especially someone new. Shyness that may still exist to this day, well maybe that's what makes me singles to date
My motivation is one of them, wish my parents happy. but it also motivated me
About http://antoabdulproductionhouse.blogspot.com/:

My blog is a portal for newbie friends in the world of bloggers, so that we are all sharing and mutual

help, my blog might arguably is still relatively new. http://antoabdulproductionhouse.blogspot.com blog is a blog where we share

science, both in the field of technology, as well as other general terms.

If you are having trouble, or less understand that I post, please visit one of the social networks

I, God willing sure I answer your question. and welcome to my blog and sorry not to paste copies of my blog .... thank you


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