Showing posts with label electric cars apple. Show all posts
Showing posts with label electric cars apple. Show all posts

Wednesday, August 12, 2015

electric cars for the future apple dream

The Apple electric car project, codenamed "Titan" is an electric car project is allegedly undergoing research and development by Apple Inc. It is rumored a substantial number of Apple employees are working on this project.

The project was rumored to be approved by Apple CEO Tim Cook in 2014 and assigned to Vice President Steve Zadesky, a former Ford engineer as a project in-charge. For the project, Apple was rumored to have hired Johann Jungwirth, the former-president and chief executive of Mercedes-Benz Research and Development North America, as well as at least one transmission engineer.To date, Apple has yet to comment on any plans to the make an electric car.

Apple co-founder and CEO Steve Jobs had plans to design and build a car, According to Apple board member and J. Crew Group CEO Mickey Drexler. [Citation needed] Discussions about the concept surfaced around the time that Tesla Motors debuted its first car , Reports indicate that the company has been offering incentives to Tesla employees to join Apple. The Wall Street Journal reports that the product would resemble more of a minivan than a car, and The Sydney Morning Herald says that production could start as soon as 2020.

In May 2015, Apple investors tycoon Carl Icahn stated that Apple will enter the automobile market in 2020 with a unique car, as "the ultimate mobile device

Some of this week, Apple is widely rumored to be entering the realm of automotive with its plans to produce its first electric car. The question arises, when Apple will launch an electric car besutannya?

The latest news from Bloomberg said that Apple plans to launch electric cars in 2020. The period is considered sufficient as well as other car manufacturers which usually takes 5-7 years to develop the car Duration 5-6 years in developing the electric car project, Apple certainly will have ample time to prepare everything, from recruitment experts, provision of technology, plant construction, and others.

Once completed later, Apple's electric car project is predicted to be a major competitor Tesla cars and General Motors Co. which together produce electric cars that have traveled up to 200 miles on a rechargeable.

It is unknown what price will be Apple's stakes for electric cars. However, Tesla and General Motors Co.  reported to be priced at less than $ 40,000.  Apple will membandrolnya at the same price?